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Treat your cold symptoms from day one


Help take control of your family’s symptoms.

Combat your Cough Combat your Congestion Soothe your Sore Throat
Don’t let a cough get in the way, start to treat your cough from day 1. Benylin ® Wet Cough starts to work quickly. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for the right Benylin solution for you. If sinus pressure is getting in your way, combat nasal congestion with Sinutab ® nasal spray. Sinutab ® nasal spray unblocks your nose and relieves pressure. Clearing your head in 2 minutes. DOKTOR MOM® Herbal Cough Lozenges work to relieve your cough and soothe your throat when you are on the go. Alcohol free and Tartrazine free. Can be taken day and night.

BENYLIN® Wet Cough Mucus Relief

Benylin Wet Cough Mucus Relief thins and loosens mucus making it easier for you to get rid of thick stubborn phlegm.

BENYLIN® Wet Cough Menthol Mucus Relief

Benylin Wet Cough Menthol Mucus Relief thins and loosens mucus making it easier for you to get rid of thick stubborn phlegm.

BENYLIN® Children’s Wet Cough Mucus Relief

Benylin Children’s Wet Cough Mucus Relief thins and loosens mucus making it easier for your child to get rid of thick stubborn phlegm.

If you cannot find the product you’re looking for on our website, speak to your doctor or pharmacist for the Benylin, Sinutab or Doktor Mom solution for you.

Don't let a cough get in the way

SINUTAB® Don't let Congestion hold you back!

Reference 1: MaryAnn de Pietro [Internet]. Cold or allergies? How to tell the difference. Medical News Today. [Updated 2017 February 12 cited 2019 July 2013]. Available from

Reference 2: Medscape [Internet]. Drugs & Diseases guaifenesin (OTC). WebMD; [updated n.d; cited 2019 September 9]. Available from:

Reference 3: R Eccles, M Eriksson, S Gareffa, Shirley C. Chen, 2008. The nasal decongestant effect of xylometazoline in the common cold, Americam Journal of Rhinology, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2008, page 493

S0 Benylin® Wet Cough. (Alcohol & Colourant Free Liquid). Each 10 ml contains: Guaifenesin 200 mg. Reg. No. 37/10.1/0061. S0 Benylin® Wet Cough Menthol. Each 10 ml contains Guaifenesin 200 mg. Reg. No. 28/10.1/0374. S0 Benylin® Children’s Wet Cough (Alcohol & Colourant Free Liquid). Each 5 ml contains Guaifenesin 50 mg. Reg. No. 35/10.1/0266.

S1 Sinutab® NASAL SPRAY. Reg No. P/16.1/184. Xylometazoline Hydrochloride 1 mg per ml (0.1% w/v).

S0 DOKTOR MOM® HERBAL COUGH LOZENGES. Each lozenge contains dry extracts derived from: Liquourice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 15 mg. Common Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale) 10 mg. Indian gooseberry fruits (Emblica offinalis) 10 mg & Levomenthol 7 mg. Contain Sugar. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use. 

For full prescribing information, refer to the Professional Information approved by the Medicines Regulatory Authority. If symptoms persist, a healthcare practitioner should be consulted. ® Trademark © Johnson & Johnson (Pty) Ltd 2021.

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