Lifestyle and Constipation

Travel and constipation
Chances are you’ve probably experienced some form of constipation while travelling. Your system can easily be upset by changes in time zones, diet, nerves and jet lag8.
If you’re on the move, you may be struggling with sleep and poor sleep may result in constipation7. And the knock-on effect can mean you find it increasingly difficult to find your rhythm and comfortably use the toilet when you’re away from home. Take a look at the tips below to minimise the causes of constipation while you’re on the move.
Things you can do:
- Stay hydrated5
- Get enough rest24
- Pack a plan B to avoid the discomfort and inconvenience of constipation, and trips to the pharmacy when you should be on holiday, we suggest packing a little help in the form of MICROLAX®. Gentle and effective, it’s a handy microenema that can aid in relieving constipation leaving you feeling light, happy and relaxed in 5-15 minutes. 18, 19
Lifestyle and constipation
Work, children, diet, exercise, sleep, weather… we know life can be hectic. Factors such as medication use, depression, poor diet, fluid depletion and stress can trigger a change in your digestion and the onset of constipation4,17.
As well as causing physical discomfort, constipation can impact mood, drive, work and productivity, sleep, diet, relationships and intimacy, and recreational pursuits. But don’t worry. Knowing what lifestyle factors trigger your constipation can help you make the small changes that can get you back on the path to feeling like your normal self in no time.
About Constipation
Whether you suffer from constipation frequently, or only now and again, knowing what causes it will help you avoid digestive discomfort and keep you feeling light, happy and relaxed.
Pregnancy, Babies, Children and Constipation
Find out how constipation impacts pregnancy, children and babies.
Treating Constipation
The discomfort and aggravation caused by constipation can be sudden and frequent. Find out about the various treatment options.
Our Product Range
MICROLAX® Microenema 4 x 5ml
MICROLAX® is a fast acting microenema that's gentle to use, predictable and offers effective constipation relief.
MICROLAX® Microenema 12 x 5ml
MICROLAX® is a fast acting microenema that's gentle to use, predictable and offers effective constipation relief.