Laxative Remedies

Home remedies
Discover everyday ways you can relieve the tension caused by constipation before resorting to over-the-counter treatments.
Increasing the amount of fibre in your diet by eating things like beans, bran and certain vegetables will keep you regular.26

Know your laxatives
Natural or bowel-stimulating? Oral or rectal? Knowing what type of laxatives there are and how they work to ease constipation will help you choose the relief that’s right for you.
Bulk forming laxatives26,31
Increasing the bulk of your stools, food supplements act in a similar way to fibre. They work by absorbing water. The bulk of your faeces stimulates the muscles in your gut to move the faeces along and out of the body.
Stimulant laxatives26,31
These types of laxative help to stimulate your intestinal muscles into action. Typically, stimulant laxatives work by contracting the intestines, which moves the stool. However, they can cause side effects, including cramps and diarrhoea, and can take around six to twelve hours before leading to evacuation.
Osmotic laxatives26,31
Working in the gut, these water-attracting laxatives act by drawing water from the intestine wall into the colon. This increases the volume of your stool and sets off the triggers that get your bowels moving. Depending on the active ingredient, they take between two to three days to be effective.
Treating Constipation
The discomfort and aggravation caused by constipation can be sudden and frequent. Find out about the various treatment options.
Treating Babies and Children with Constipation
When it comes to easing the constipation of your baby, you want a gentle, predictable and effective solution that gets things back to normal, fast.
Preventing Constipation
Keep your digestion flowing and make the small lifestyle changes that can help you tackle constipation before it even starts.
Our Product Range
MICROLAX® Microenema 4 x 5ml
MICROLAX® is a fast acting microenema that's gentle to use, predictable and offers effective constipation relief.
MICROLAX® Microenema 12 x 5ml
MICROLAX® is a fast acting microenema that's gentle to use, predictable and offers effective constipation relief.